The front face of the car body is adorned with a horseshoe shaped water radiator that sets it apart from all other cars of the pre WW-II period.  It is wrapped by a highly polished metal which really makes the car stand out.  I think I can use aluminum and bend it around a composite-built frame ribs.


The radiator also extends below the chassis and runs about the length of the engine. It incorporates vertical fins that extend downward and runs longitudily.  I don’t have any great drawings detailing this component.  I will however be able to model what I need from my $50 eBay model.  This will not be hard to build using a composite sandwich, and multi-ply carbon fiber cloth.


Another part of the radiator includes 4 copper tubes that run horizontally under the exhaust pipe on the outside of the car adding to it’s magnificent look.  I’m planning on using real copper pipe and 3D printed ends.  But then again, if I can find a good chrome paint, a composite tube maybe just the ticket.

High end Bugatti’s were equipped with a very fancy Boyce MotoMeter radiator caps.  I will prefer to 3D print this, although sourcing metal parts, welding, a little decal work or etching will produce excellent results. 


In any case, it will be chromed.


I saw another radiator cap that also incorporated wings..a very nice touch.


For now I still plan on going with a 3D print with my fingers crossed that I will succeed in finding a very good Chrome paint.