Pullman Rear Axle Build

The rear axle design will be my next biggest challenge on this project.  I want to have rear end suspension to deliver a smoother ride.  My Bugatti does not have rear suspension and boy do you feel those bumps!

So the Pullman rear axle will be a live 1″ diameter by 52″ long solid steel design that will float on a quarter elliptical spring design using Coachman springs.  I’m basically going to copy what Steve Vinson did for his Franklin Racer which turned out real neat.  But my design will have an added complexity as the engine is located up front with a drive shaft connecting between the engine and rear located gearbox.  So rather than an engine floating with the rear axle like Steve’s design uses, mine will have a floating gear box outfitted with a sprocket and chain transferring the rpms to the axle sprocket.  I’ll get into the gearing on another page.