Huntsville Grand Prix 2024

This year’s event was a blast for my family and I.  I enjoyed it more so than last year as I knew better what to expect.  It was also wonderful to see those from the past as well as meeting new builders.

My 1924 Bugatti Type 13 had over 100 upgrades and mods implemented since last years run.  So this years car ran almost perfect, I was very pleased.  While I was not the fastest by a large stretch, I would say I was in the front 1/3 of the pack overall.  Given my heavy cyclekart and my extra-large manliness, I think we did pretty good.

Another thing I liked was the obstacle course they created in the church parking lot.  It was great fun running that course.

I wore an over-sized mustache and Sue got a few new hats for added fun.  Most of our family showed up to support me as well as some dear friends.

Afterwards, my son rented us all an AB&B home so we could all enjoy dinner and watch movies together.  It was so much better than a hotel, it was a real blast…thank you Kurt & Cybelle!

A huge thanks to Kelly Wood for organizing and running this event.  It’s a really big deal and he does a marvelous job.  A shout-out to the city of Huntsville for allowing us to run there.  And thank you too to Steve Vinson, Dennis Thomas, and Ben Terwilliger for all their assistance.

I can’t speak for all the others but it seemed we all had great fun this year and the weather cooperated perfectly.  For me personally, it’s the highlight of the year.

I cannot wait until next year’s event.